Jennifer Jacobsen | CEO Demystifying Dyslexia
Did you know Dyslexia has been known in the education world for over 100 years? How much do you really know about teaching students with dyslexia? Do you have students in your classroom/school who always seem to be behind, or they are always getting in trouble, or their ADHD is getting in the way of successful learning or they are massively unorganized? In Jennifer's presentation, Is Dyslexia Really Seeing Letters and Words Backwards?, she will share her expertise on what dyslexia is, how to determine who has dyslexia in your classrooms, how you as an educator can most effectively teach your students to not only become more fluent and confident readers, but also how to the situations above. Lastly, you will get the opportunity to engage in stepping into the shoes of those with dyslexia as you experience learning from their perspective.
Mrs. Jennifer Jacobsen has been an educator for 18 years, 16 of those years as an Intervention Specialist, teaching students with Dyslexia. After years of suffering with teaching frustration, because her most struggling readers were not making the reading growth she knew they were capable of, she began to analyze her teaching approach. Upon researching more about Dyslexia and how to teach students with Dyslexia, Jennifer realized that Structured Literacy is the most effective teaching approach. For the past several years, Jennifer has been teaching her students using a Structured Literacy approach, with data to prove the remarkable growth of her students’ reading skills.
Jennifer is a Certified Structured Literacy and Dyslexia Interventionist with a certification in Dyslexia. She is a public speaker teaching all educators how to teach with a Structured Literacy approach to create a classroom full of more fluent readers. Creator and owner of Demystifying Dyslexia, LLC, Jennifer lives with her husband, two sons, and dog in the Midwest of the United States.
Jonily Zupancic | CEO Minds on Math
Dyscalculia is the math learning disability. The most common struggles for students with dyscalculia and other learning disconnects are pattern recognition, math fact fluency, computation, counting and understanding the size of numbers. We know more today than ever before about how the brain learns about numbers and mathematics, however, this new knowledge is not widespread and schools often are not relevant in their math instructional practices to reverse student math deficits.During this session of the 3D Summit, participants will learn teaching techniques and strategies grounded in cognitive science that can be easily implemented in 5-minute to 45-minute sessions. Through concrete, visual and multi-sensory exercises, students gain access to grade level mathematics and become mathematically competitive with their peers.Learn how to activate pathways in the brain to trigger memory and retention of number concepts through the SMART framework (Sensory, Metacognition, Accessibility, Restrictions, Transcendence) and see results in 30 days or less!
Jonily Zupancic is achievement-ready, breaking mathematical barriers for struggling students through unique lesson design and delivery structures. As the founder of Minds On Math, she has dedicated the past 24 years to creating rich, differentiated, engaging mathematical classroom experiences to maximize math achievement.
Cheri Dotterer | CEO Dotterer Educaitonal Consulting
Dysgraphia is multi-faceted. It involves all forms of written communication, from handwritten work to computer-based documents, text messages, and social media posts. Understanding how to change the student's story is another matter. That's why you are reading this page right now. Deciphering and differentiating assessments and interventions for your students is essential to unleashing their potential. I have been helping students, teachers, therapists, and parents change their written communication since 2009. I even tackled my own struggles with writing as I learned more about why the struggle is so powerful. All written communication IMPACTS the body, mind, and soul. Through innovative assessments and interventions, we can IMPACT the mechanical, language, and cognitive aspects of writing even before we pick up a pencil. Together, we can break the barriers to successful learning.
Battling writing challenges firsthand, Cheri has emerged as a global authority, pioneering innovative, neuroscience-backed strategies to overcome dysgraphia seamlessly within the classroom setting. Author of "Handwriting Brain-Body DisConnect" and contributor to seminal works, she’s set to release "Math DYS-connected," co-authored with Jonily. She owns Dotterer Educational Consulting and The Writing Glitch Podcast. She co-josts Tier 1 Interventions Podcast with Jonily. Cheri's experiences fuel in her passion to revolutionize learning. She lives with her husband and son and cat, Their daughter in grad school.
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